
92 Audio Reviews

42 w/ Responses

insanely lush, great chops :)

so clean, love the squishy sounding synth textures throughout this :)

love the percussion! super delicate and crystally. lovely stuff :)

sleepFacingWest responds:

Thanks! It's a combination of white noise, sine waves, and a healthy amount of bit crushing. I'm mildly obsessed with the juxtaposition of cold, mechanically relentless electronics and acoustic instruments.

god these drums are so nice, rlly great stuff!

love these supersaws! super warm and fuzzy. great song :)

love it!! :)

really love it! perfect for october :)

glad to see you uploading the rest of ur stuff onto newgrounds!! :D

rlly in love with this!! it does a great job of enhancing the gameplay in far fetched, keeping its place in the background while still managing to be distinctive and interesting and all that. Big props :D

VGMC, 8-Bit Wandering: "Dreamland Wanderer" Review

I'm really blown away by this entry!! There are so many details scattered throughout it, particularly in its sound design. Even from the first sounds alone, there's so much to unpack: the swelling bitcrushed chords, the mega-distorted synthesizer lead, and the bitcrushed pluck fading in alongside it are already filled with so much sonic depth. You also utilize a ton of different timbres of bitcrush across all the instruments in this song, somehow managing to consistently make them sound great, even at their most crushed. The section at 1:35 and its eventual fusion with the second chorus is particularly stunning, the glitchy top loop and murky percussion blend together so well with the vast, sweeping chords you employ here. Everything else about the piece (its structure, composition, etc.) are interesting enough to carry the song through its 3 minute run-time, but simple enough to allow all the wonderful sounds in this song to have their spotlight.

If there's one thing I have to critique, it would be how you convey the chords of the two choruses. Specifically, I think you need more bass during these sections - right now, without a reliable presence of the chords' root, it's harder to decipher them than it should be. I know this was probably a tricky thing to try and balance, with the kick being so bassy, but I think you could pull it off with the right amount of sidechain. Also, I kind of wish the section at 1:35 were a bit louder, or crunchier, but that might be passing the threshold of personal preference.

Overall, really phenomenal work! This is a super evocative piece, and a definite favorite of mine from this event. Keep it up! :)

FateModified responds:

Thanks Stardew! I was excited to see your prompt of "8-bit Wandering" in this challenge, because I LOVE that type of video game music, with "Hyper Light Drifter" being one of my favorite vgm soundtracks, actually.

Thanks for all of the great feedback, and I'm really glad you like it. :)

spirit babble :: fka Stardew
songwriting & audio nerd



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