
92 Audio Reviews

42 w/ Responses

really really great work!! the progression of this piece is wonderful, and i could really feel a sense of the limbo tugging me back into it through the reverse piano bits and the atmospheric sounds.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thanks a ton, man! I am super glad to hear that you like the progression. I thought a lot about how I wanted the composition to progress. It might be silly to say, but this full length of the track is actually what came about when I cut out all the parts/sections/repetitions that didn't add to what I wanted the track to relay. I was a bit worried that it would end up being 10 minutes or longer, but I am pretty happy with the final length, because at least to me it doesn't feel that long, because of the way it's all put together. I'm also happy that you liked the atmosphere :D
Thanks again!

really great stuff :OO

the sub hits really hard & the part at 1:16 is sick

this radiates some sort of chaotic energy i cannot describe. the "kazoo solo" precursor in the description was not nearly enough to prepare me for the splendor that was to come

LunacyEcho responds:

c h a o s c h a o s

but actually tho, "chaotic energy" is a phrase that was in my head all throughout the composition process!! So glad it came through :DD (kazoos 4ever)

i really need to listen to more of your stuff, this is absolutely gorgeous. have heard brilliant things about your music, and listening to this, they are entirely justified (:

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you, stardew! I feel similarly about your music. It's so nice to listen to both of your work this year! Good luck, and I'm looking forward to hearing more of your stuff :)

amazingggg!! this is such a haunting song, think you did a brilliant job of conveying a specific emotion through music.

Baumarius responds:

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :D

very catchy! lotta cool sounds in this one (:

endKmusic responds:

Thanks Stardew!
Lotta cool sounds in yours too! :>

this is so cool!!! both the poem itself and the way you read it was lovely, and i think you did a great job matching the music with the story being told. there were a lot of cool sounds too :O

miyo this is amazing

Miyolophone responds:



this melody will be stuck in my head until i am consumed by the vultures.

Miyolophone responds:

see now that the image of the vultures has entered your brain it will never leave

(thank you!!!)

spirit babble :: fka Stardew
songwriting & audio nerd



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