
92 Audio Reviews

42 w/ Responses

this is really really good! the way the drums fade in as the piano becomes more structured is magical, and i'm consistently surprised and intrigued by the chords you use. the sine lead / wobbly thing that comes in at 1:00 is lovely as well, probably my favorite surprise in the entire song. amazing work (:

vocaloutburst responds:

Thanks for the kind words!! That sine lead was my favorite too ;) Also, your track was INSANELY GOOD, can't wait to see what you come up with for this next round! Best of luck to you and @1f1n1ty!!!

this has always been my favorite from you, glad to see you worked on it a bit more. amazing work!

had no idea there was a six impala newgrounds account what :O

this probably had to be my favorite six impala track before RUBBER came out (although there are so many AMAZING releases to choose from), love the story it tells and each individual part manages to shine in its own creative way :)

really love this one. lot of creative sound design, incredibly clean, solid groove

amazing work :)

realllly great work, i can sense a ton of creativity in this piece. looking forward to the rest of the stuff you put out in this competition ( :

BurneMusic responds:

haha! If I make it that far :/

amazing stuff

honestly? for audacity, this isn't bad. from what little i know of the program, it's extremely clunky to use, and almost impossible to make anything in to begin with.

i think if you took the time to learn a new DAW, you could become a great artist! if money's an issue, there are some quality DAWs out there that are entirely free (think LMMS and Cakewalk are two of the most common). otherwise, i would recommend FL Studio for beginners, it's relatively easy to pick up.

keep at it :^)

did u discover fruity squeeze or is that an entirely different bitcrusher at the beginning

Onefin responds:

it's actually effector's lofi setting ;)

this story is so much cooler than what i thought it was when i first heard it haha

amazing work! i love the little boinks and squeaks you added at the first orchestral part :^)

Miyolophone responds:

I literally could not have done it without you billboard man

I actually thought your interpretation of the story was cleverer than mine haha (although there is a personal allegory for my recent experiences as a musician built into the track that you would have no reason to pick up on)

spirit babble :: fka Stardew
songwriting & audio nerd



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