
92 Audio Reviews

42 w/ Responses

really good !! love the vibe, the textures in this song rlly make it stand out. is the riser at 0:18 from chrometype?

chords :)

fr though this song is so magical and captivating and dramatic, really feels like i'm in the midst of witnessing something impossible or smnthn

clean!! the groove is really nice as well, sounds sorta laid-back and cocky.

brilliant stuff! the evolution of this piece is remarkable, and the sheer volume of intricacies in the song's production is really splendid. the heavily thematic sonic world you've painted with this song, due to some choices you've made with genre and instrumentation, really makes this piece stand-out.

hey! just popping by to say that this is one of my favorite songs from the NGADM audition round. the song is ripe with creativity; the volume of detailed and earworm-ish sounds you've managed to squeeze into this track is remarkable.

i do think that the song begins to suffer from this sporaticism as it continues, though, because while it does take you on a journey quite far away from home, it never really loops back around and concludes, leaving you feeling a bit unsatisfied. also, i was a bit bothered by how fake the piano at 2:04 sounds :P

nevertheless, i do really really love this song, and i think you and ponycutz have done a fantastic job with it. also, i couldn't help but notice you were in the FORM telephone event, which i also took part in. :)

i'm super excited to see what you come up with for NGADM!!

CylrielOfficial responds:

Thank you so much for feedback! This means a lot :D

though i do have some issues with the production / instrumentation of this song, i have to say it's incredibly charming, and something about it really hit my heart in the right place :)

the transition into 0:22 is really lovely; the vibrato in the bitcrushed synth contributes quite a lot to the character of the song. a lot of the more energetic sections in this song remind me vividly of garlagan, and one section in particular (starting at 1:49) gave me flashbacks to an artist called acloudyskye (if you haven't listen to his music before, i highly recommend you do).

i think that with a more aggressive, less muted mix, and a more vigorously worked, involved sonic palette, this song would be something really wonderful. i really do love it nonetheless, though :^)

looking forward to hearing the work you'll do in NGADM! i hope i get to go against you at some point.

UmValent responds:

Thank you so much, stardew!
That is some solid advice, mixing is definitely a weakness, but I'll keep working on it!

As for acloudyskye, I have listened to some tracks from his discography and I can totally see the resemblance, especially from a specific track called "A Drowning Cry". The syncopated percussion and ghostly athmo is bizarrely similar and it was completely unintentional. Glad you told me about him, though.

Good luck in NGADM! :)


really solid tune! the vocals sorta remind me of gyrofield's stuff.

spirit babble :: fka Stardew
songwriting & audio nerd



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